Welcome to Nourish
"As an educator and spiritual mentor,
my heart's passion is to shine a sacred light of Grace to nourish all with compassion, presence and gratitude
to promote hope, healing, and wholeness."
- Nourish With Melinda
1. To sustain with food or nutriment;
supply what is necessary for life, health and growth
2. To cherish, foster, keep alive
3. To strengthen build up or promote
Nourish Your Body
Conscious and Whole Cooking Practices
“When we NOURISH ourselves, it can fill us with a peaceful relationship for calm, balance, harmony; grounding perspective of inner listening and understanding.
When we NOURISH ourselves, it can offer empowerment from uncertainty, overwhelm, stress, anxiety, discord, pain, loss, and trauma.
When we NOURISH ourselves, we (re)claim our personal Sovereignty and preservation of boundaries.
When we NOURISH ourselves, we access’s our body’s energy system to respond, repair, rejuvenate for our own greatest recovery, right here and now.
When we NOURISH ourselves, it opens our conscious awareness to the abundance of compassion, love, and gratitude…for our deserving selves and to
ALL, equally, in our world.
Feel, touch, hold, taste and heart-see as you embrace your own journey to NOURISH.”
Nourish Your Soul
Wellness/Reiki Healing Energy
Our soul needs nourishment…
What is Nourish? Nourish is curating the sustenance of self that becomes our nutrients of life that keep us continually operating, growing, developing, flowing, and flourishing to our brilliance of distinctive light.
Why Nourish? We Nourish because we are each richly deserving, profoundly worthy and equally gifted to cultivate our light and caretake love.
How to Nourish? By openness, curiosity and wonderment, deep presence, connection, authenticity, trust, courage, sensitivity, and a profound knowing within an inner relationship of self to self and
with self to life within a dynamic interrelationship.
Nourish Your Mind
Mental-Scapes/Mindful Practices
Our Mind needs Nourishment:
How do I Nourish from the inside out and outside in? Through divine time and creative, expressive, and contemplative self by way of listening, holding, and understanding one’s needs, gifts, and emotions through practices with cooking, gratitude, introspection, nature, discernment, reading, writing, poetry, loving, breathing, being, biking, hiking, reflecting, seeking, sporting, pausing, journaling, walking, resting, laughing, pet caring, learning, hobbies, volunteering, anything that enlivens our faithful heart beating!
The sustenance of compassion, love and gratitude can be savored within each day’s practice of being and living. As a master’s degree Educator, a Master Reiki Healing Energy Practitioner and a Wellness Counselor I am equally passionate about how we choose to cultivate and power our spirit from the inside out and outside in. Through my practice of Nourish, I have found intentional resonance with listening and holding for personal understanding and treasuring information from all that meets our consciousness. I am affirmed that everyone is worthy and deserving to feel the generous embrace of their unique and significant wisdom.
You are engraved in gold and your adornment is your knowing truths. All of your further questions and concerns hold answers treasured within. This is your reservoir for self-love. Love that transforms into energy for soothing to nurturant healing and nurturant healing for reshaping to wholeness. This is sacred, this is energetic, this is heart-centered, and this is your expansive power-filled soul, heartbeat by heartbeat.
“Within you lies the sun, the moon, the sky and all the wonders of this universe. The intelligence that created these wonders is the same force that created you.
All things around you come from the same source.
We are all one.
Every being on this Earth,
every object on this Earth has a soul.
All souls flow into one,
this is the Soul of the Universe.
You see, when you NOURISH your own mind and your own spirit, you are really feeding the Soul of the Universe. When you improve yourself, you are improving the lives of all those around you. And when you have the courage to advance confidently in the direction of your dreams,
you begin to draw upon the power of the universe.
Life gives you what you ask of it. It is always listening.”
--Robin Sharma