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Our body needs nourishment…

We know how it feels when our wheels are turning well and when they are not. Choose foods spanning flavors, textures, and the colors of the rainbow. Embody presence and care for what we are fortunate to eat, in our food preparations and choices. Express gratitude for the family/community we share mealtimes with or even in the quiet solitude of self. There are many choices we get to freely make, and for the most part, food is one of them. That’s empowering… as we greatly benefit through our direct choices. Take in all parts of the food’s path from your plate to your palate. Hold gratitude for the growers, the food stampers/packagers, food suppliers/transporters, grocery pallet unloaders, food stockers and store clerks. Say ‘thank you’ to our land for the abundance of seasonal foods, for the water and grass that offers inherent sustenance to our animals. When we take the time to show appreciation for the bounty we eat, then we are already nourishing ourselves on a more meaningful, cellular level by the nutritional values we purposefully choose. 

Our bodies need people, places and experiences that bring us alive and fill us with delight.

Fully savor the WHOLE atmosphere surrounding a meal. Enjoy unique combinations of flavors, textures and sounds.

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