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"Let the Universe bring you all the healing you need.

Let the universe bring you alive.

Awaken to the world around you, and you'll awaken to yourself"

- Melody Beattie

Our soul needs nourishment…

Together let's walk a sacred path to healing energy. 

As a Reiki Master Teacher, I have witnessed healing/recovery as I have been privileged to journey alongside others. What I have learned is that all forms of healing thrive in energy inspired by love, gratitude and faith... feel these in your essence of knowing and living. Our most inner self... our spiritual core... it desires listening to, it requires acknowledgment, it expands with self love and it deserves understanding. It requests connection from the inside out with enriching a spiritual relationship with self to self, self to nature and self to a higher power or Divine Source. It thrives on love, gratitude and faith... feel these in your essence of knowing.

When we are:

 - overwhelmed in stress and anxiety

 - seeking emotional release of trauma  - recovering from addiction ​

 - compromised by physical health caused          by inflammation, auto-immune conditions  

 - battling chronic pain or cancer


Our body is also messaging to us that we have a need to nourish in an energetic distinctive capacity that is: spiritual, holistic and visceral.


Reiki energy has its own awareness to connect to one's innate and natural 'life force' that flows, and this central energy is the element that keeps every living organism alive.


Reiki is made up of two words "Rei" meaning "Spiritually Guided" and "Ki" meaning "Healing Energy." Interestingly enough, Reiki can be referenced across early origins of Sanskrit, Chinese, Judaism and Christianity. Reiki promotes the healing of our body, mind and spirit through the light touch, hovering, cupped hands, or remote 'raising hands'.  

The principle tenants of Reiki are simple. Reiki is safe, it can do no harm since it is guided by the spiritual consciousness. Reiki always heals. Since healing is a process and a partnership, this can begin with us and we can all learn to be healers on our own path, now that's enlightening! 

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