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  • mdmd06

Language of Energy... food for thought

Updated: Feb 6, 2022

We all desire and deserve to be nourished because when we do, we are tending to and caring for the vibrancy and luminosity of our light. Our histories with self and patterns of current states can keep us stuck, uncertain, or unaware to how to live more engaged, innovative, and free. Feelings and emotions can be difficult to name - let alone know – for movement. forward. How do we best know what’s next, or where to go next when our inner voice, our core’s truth, our heart’s center isn’t housing a safe, gentle haven.

Language of Energy: Navigating these questions of mind, soul, and spirit

(Offer permission for these answers to springboard and notice that your responses may or may not be in the context of food. Hmmm, now that’s food for thought!)

What do you crave?

What are you hungry for right now?

What satiates me?

What do I thirst more of that I’m wanting to quench?

What does not serve me in my current life/If I could do anything in life it would be?

What offers me slices of wholeness?

What did I love as platted creative outlets/hobbies/activities at ages 6-10?

How might my hands and heart reconnect to feed these chapters of previous self?

Nourishing is protective and it is honoring. The continual practices of self-love, self-kindness, self-care, and self-gratitude that keeps us in the -here and now- on a chartered path. It is an affirmation to TRUST in the intuitive self and in the intelligent knowing from your wisdom of experience. Simply, when we meet the rhythms of our expansive heart and meet the spaciousness of another’s heartbeat, we are brave, beautiful, and brilliantly... shining up and out. This light guides our casted net to all we hope to capture and devour!

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