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  • mdmd06

Love Your Light

Our Light is our most important foundation for energy. It is deep in our marrow for our own greatest self-good and for own goodness of self-illuminating out. Our Light is the core of our truth, our intelligent knowing and our wisdom. Early in our creation story, we were all uniquely imprinted with Light and it is a basin to daily draw from as we navigate balancing, aligning, coping, shifting, transforming, being and healing, to the wholeness of life.

Sunflowers do this naturally; they twist, as if on a turntable, to the provision of sunshine wherever it beams strongest in their environment. We are human sunflowers as we bend our heads to our abundant source of light, drawing forth and filling up. We are also nodding in affirmation to others - among our shared community gardens – collectively witnessing a ‘seeded beauty’ by withstanding tall, in harmony, to factoring elements.

Feel your personal and vital radiance within…this is your resonance of inner power. This has been described as the presence of the Divine Spirit brightening who we are meant to be, our authentic giftedness.

And when your connection to your light’s heat is in need of air to ignite, try this mantra as a centering of your ray’s beam.

Breathe of Life Mantra [Place one hand on heart and one on belly]

(You could also create in your own words “I take in the breath of ______”

To support your personal wants/needs/intentions.)

I take in the breath of life (breathe in/breathe out) easily and effortlessly,

I take in the breath of love (breathe in/breathe out) easily and effortlessly,

I take in the breath of delight (breathe in/breathe out) easily and effortlessly,

I take in the breath of gratitude (breathe in/breathe out) easily and effortlessly.

I take in the breath of light (breathe in/breathe out) easily and effortlessly,

I am the I am. I am the I am. I am the I am.

Light is hope…igniting us even when we are uncertain by the dark.

Light is love (receiving it and generating it)… striking our wicks by way of kindness and service to others sparked by practices of generosity, compassion, and gratitude. We can be renewed right here, right now, as we curve to the glow of enlightenment.

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