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Testimonials from clients of Nourish:  

"I have to admit that I was a wee bit skeptical about Reiki. But, I wasn't at all skeptical about Melinda, so I tried it out. Melinda is a consummate professional and communicates her deep knowledge of Reiki exceptionally well. I found her Reiki sessions to be restorative and essential to regaining my health. I now love Reiki and always look forward to a healthful session with Melinda." - Bill E. 


"I came to Melinda and Nourish without knowing much about Reiki. I struggle with anxiety and I also worry too much about my children and health. I wanted to try something new to find relief. Melinda was wonderful. She is calming and thoughtful. I felt at ease and welcomed. The Reiki Treatment was amazing. I was very relaxed but I felt in tune with the energy and my body. I use many techniques that Melinda gave me, especially, I try to lean into love and give myself grace when I do worry. Thank you Melinda!"

- Maria



"Nourish" is more than healthy food for the body. I have experienced this through Melinda's Nourish offerings.

Reiki was an amazing experience. I kept my eyes closed but there were several times when I think her hand passed close by and a muscle would twitch. At one point I experienced what felt like a bolt of lightning shoot from my foot to my neck. It was not like an electrical shock because my muscles did not tighten. It was more like exhilaration or release. 

The cooking class was not like watching a cooking show on TV. Melinda gave us copies of the recipes we were going to prepare and had us help. She shared the nutritional benefits of the foods and herbs she was using. The table was beautifully set. She paid detailed attention to every aspect of planning and cooking a meal and hosting. It was a wonderful opportunity to be in community and eat very tasty and nutritional food. 

Melinda encouraged me to be more compassionate with myself. Stop judging myself. 

Nourish brought to me the concept of conscious awareness. I felt the energy within me. I need to make conscious decisions about the nutritional value of the foods I cook. Nourish was an awakening of body, mind, and soul for me."

- Diana


"Melinda is so much more than a creative chef, she creates an intimate atmosphere of tranquility infused with healthy offerings and decadent tidbits. Melinda's passion combined with her expertise makes this experience highly recomendable. Her menus are inventive, easy to prepare and always incorporates the freshest ingredients. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn cooking techniques, theory and practical information that supports health and wellness that honors the joy of good eating while being in community"

- Sam

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